7 Chores to do Next Weekend
The fall market is just around the corner. This is the last weekend of the summer, school goes back into session next week. So while this weekend is being spent taking the last weekend trip to the beach and getting lunch prep set up, you can also start thinking about what you will do next weekend to get the house ready for the fall market.
Pre-pack away the summer gear
Chances are you are done with the beach gear, the camping gear and the swimming gear. If a move is in your seasonal future, then pre-packing away the summer gear (in a properly labeled container, neatly stacked in the corner with the other pre-packed containers) is a great first step. And go ahead and pack away all the seasonal clothing that you aren’t going to be using until next year.
Get the planters ready for Fall
Without the summer heat, the flowers that you have planted by the front door are going to start to, well, there is no round-about way to say it, die. The stores are showing off their fall foilage at their entrances with the potted mums. Grab a couple to put together a great porch-montage.
Clean up the gardens and re-mulch the surface
Tended gardens make the first impression buyers make when they show up to your property a good one. From the moment they step out of the car, they are greeted with a clean, tidy, managed property.
Organize the tool shed and/or garage
After a busy summer of beaching, camping and enjoying the outdoors, sometimes the garden shed and garage can get a bit disorganized. Take the time to ensure that everything is back in its place. When we have things strewn all about, the assumption buyers make is that there isn’t enough storage (or else you would be utilizing it). The more organized and tidy a place is looking makes it appear bigger to buyers.
Windows and Screens
Between the fields being plowed and planted, the flowers and trees releasing their pollen and other particles in the air, our window screen can get pretty gummy looking. By cleaning the outside of the windows and the screen, we can make the world look brighter and sparklier to buyers - making your property outshine the others they are considering.
Yard edging
Again, while this may seem tedious and an extra superfluous step, it is just one more thing that makes buyers think that you are meticulous in all aspects of tending to your house. This will provide the image that you are very good at maintaining your property and therefore, your property is better cared for than others. Aka - an edge!
Purge the closets!
With the change in season, and a move in your future, take the time to go through your closet and get rid of the seasonal clothes and items that you didn’t use this year. When your closets are packed full, buyers will have the impression that there isn’t enough space to store things. Do this for you, your partner, the kiddos, and the dog too! Purge Purge Purge!
When you are putting next season’s clothes into the closet and drawers, ask yourself if you really need all these pieces. Take this time to get ahead of the task for when you move. Channel your inner Marie Kondo and ask yourself if the jeans you wore in university (and have been holding on to because you will fit into them again) still bring you joy??
Preparing to list your house can be a big task - but the 7 steps above can be done in a weekend. Do as much or as little of them as you can and start checking off the list.
And if you need some help deciding what you need to focus your time on…give us a call! 📲