Digital Resources to prepare you for purchasing a property.

I am a podcast junkie! I love them.

As a REALTOR®️ I spend a lot of time in my car running the roads and during those drives, I prefer to listen to podcasts. Sure, sometimes I do just space out and listen to 90’s and early 2000’s hits (mmmBop, I can hear you playing in my head now), but for the most part, I listen to podcasts. Many of them are real estate related and some of those real estate podcasts would be good for buyers too, but for the most part, they wouldn’t be relevant to the average buyer.

But I wanted to share some of the non-REALTOR®️ related podcasts and other digital resources that can help get you in the right head space and financial space to purchase a home, an investment property, or a future business.

  1. “Financial Feminist” Podcast

    Listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts

    This is one that I have just started listening to. Feminist is not often a word that I ascribe to so if you are anything like me, it can be a bit off-putting. But she said something in the first podcast that really made me think about my pre-conceived notions about money and it really made me stop and become introspective. Which is great but it wasn’t something that I was thinking would happen.

    I have looked through her episode list, and while I haven’t listened to them all yet, these episodes appear to be very relevant if you are starting this journey.

    She has just launched a Financial Foundations Program of Podcasts which are all super relevant plus Episode #’s 117, 100, #63, #59 (remember that mortgages are different in the US but there is probably something useful in there. I will put that at the top of my list to listen to though), #42, #40, #30, #11, #7, and #5.

    While I am sure the ones in between are also entertaining, unless you have a lot of extra listening time, focus on these ones first!

2. “I will teach you to be Rich” Podcast and Netflix Show

Listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts

So I started listening to this podcast BEFORE it was a Netflix show and even before I knew it was going to be on Netflix. I have to say, I wasn’t a fan of the story structure when it was adapted for Netflix so I did lose some interest in this podcast a bit. But it does also have a book that you can read as well.

One thing that I like about this ideology is that you get to choose what is in your rich life. So if you want to have Starbucks latte’s every day, great. No guilt! But just make sure that you can afford those latte’s. And if you can’t with the money that you are making right now, then you either need to find another way.


I have talked about YNAB before and I will talk about it again, I’m sure. You Need a Budget is amazing - especially if you are wanting to really buckle down and get a strong grip on your finances. We started using it before we owned our first property, when we both had student debt, and car loans, etc. As for being a homeowner, we find it to be an essential tool because it helps you plan for the delayed costs. Whether it is ensuring that your are setting enough aside every month to pay the property tax bill, saving for the higher oil costs in the winter, or just ensuring that you have some money stocked away for when the washer breaks or the furnace needs repairs.

4. “It’s about Time” Podcast

Listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts

I like this podcast because, as a homeowner, you are always trying to manage fitting another project in.

You have to find the time to do everything from mowing the grass to managing the gardens, and don’t forget that you wanted to paint the ceilings because whoever did them before was not the best painter and then there is the bathroom reno that you wanted to fit in before your mother comes to visit. Plus you have a full time job and probably a dog sooo….yeah, time management.

5. Instagram account and YouTube Channel - Dad Advice from Bo

Remember that bathroom reno that you wanted to do before your mom comes to visit - do you even know how to caulk your tub?

Between my husband and I, we are fairly capable at doing most things around the house. But I still enjoy seeing his reels come up on my IG feed. I do know how to caulk the bathtub but I also enjoy seeing someone else teach you how to do it - and I totally did forget that you should wet your finger before running it over the bead. And yes, wearing latex gloves would probably make the clean up easier!

If you are thinking of buying a home then it doesn’t hurt to start learning early about how to upkeep that home. There is an infinite number of tasks that need to be completed year in and year out. The more you can do, the cheaper (theoretically) it should end up.

I hope some of these resources help you get started. I’ll be over here looking for a new podcast to add to my library…got a suggestion?


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