Tattoos and Houses
Buying a home and getting a tattoo. One is more intimidating than the other - but which one??
To me, whether or not to buy a house is a simple yes or no - I don’t over-think it. I don’t get bogged down in the details of the flooring or the paint or even the layout of the house - I can work with it or change it. No biggie!
Out of the past 3 houses we have bought, we have looked 5 houses - TOTAL. In fact, in 2 of those purchases, we bought the first and only house we looked at. And we made the offer on the day we looked at the house! We just “know” if the house will work for us or not.
Realtor Sidebar - making a want/needs/hard-no’s list helps you initially figure out if the house is even worth looking at.
But y’all, seriously, I have been thinking about and looking at, and wondering about getting a tattoo for twenty years! And I might be getting close to finally committing to one - but for now, I’m still thinking about it. I know that there are so many people out there who don’t see tattoo’s the same way that I do. Tattoos to them are houses to me - they just know and they just do it!
The turning point in me finally being (almost) ready to get a tattoo - I’ve found someone I know, like and trust - so maybe I’ll let her stab me repeatedly with a needle. I know that I can go to her and she will help guide me through the process of getting the tattoo. The process before just seemed so scary and permanent and like I would be wasting their time.
(In all honesty - I have no idea what tattoo’s cost and if one would even be worth the price in my mind. So I’ll keep you updated on the tattoo debate.)
To me, tattoo’s are sooo freaking permanent - how will I know that I will still appreciate the tattoo in 5 years? So I get it…for some people, buying a house can seem just as huge.
You should know, that REALTORS® love talking about houses. You are not wasting our time asking questions. I love houses and teaching people important things so being a REALTOR is a natural fit for me. Please, ask me questions - and if you are asking me questions about buying a house that you are truly curious about, it’s probably not a stupid question. Our entire job is to guide you through the process of buying and/or selling your property - so for goodness sake, find someone that you connect with and trust.
So if you are in the confused and indecisive loop of buying a house and you don’t know what to do, I know how you feel. Maybe when you find a REALTOR® that you know, like and trust to guide you through the process, then you will feel more confident about the buying process. It doesn’t have to be the first one you meet, or your neighbour, cousin, or the best-friend of your second-cousins ex-husband. You find your person.
For now, I’m going to go think on the tattoo question at least one more day.